Tuesday, 30 September 2008

The journey begins

On 14 September Cooper was baptised at St Marks Lutheran Church in Melton, where I was one of the first people baptised. Cooper was also the first second-generation child to be baptised into our congregation, and was also the third person baptised in my family for 2008.

My brother Jamie and his wife Rebecca (Beccy) agreed to be Cooper’s godparents, and Cooper was a little angel during the service. I just hope that my brother and sister didn’t annoy the congregation too much with the actions that they were doing to the songs (so, how does the action to the torrent of water go again?!)

It was a very special day for our families, and we were blessed with some extra special guests in the form of Cooper’s great-grandparents Ma Bet and Pa Bob, and Aunty Ale (late Uncle Jeff’s wife), who we hadn’t seen in nearly a year. Grandpa also made a special FaithChest for Cooper to store some of the mementos from his faith journey.
Cooper's Baptism Sept 2008

There were at least 15 people who had said they would come that didn’t actually make it due to illness and other reasons, so we had heaps of food. So much so that my sister-in-law and mum were encouraging everyone to take a plate of left-overs with them, which they successfully did. It was so nice to have a relatively clear fridge after lunch rather than having to eat left-overs for the next week.

May God bless you now and always as you start your journey of faith little man. As I say to you when I give you a kiss and cross your forehead every night before you go to sleep - Cooper, God loves you, and I love you. Amen

Running on air

Not long after my last entry, Cooper seemed to discover his feet. Whenever I laid him down he started to kick non-stop, almost as if he was marching on the spot, or peddling a bicycle.

During September Nanny babysat Cooper for the first time while Adam and I went to the annual Scotia Ball for the pipe band that I play in. Apparently Cooper was pretty boring for Nanny and slept for most of the time, but he did leave his wet (pee) mark on their carpet, as he has done with everyone else’s floors when we have changed him there!

We had our six-week check-up with the doctor and everything is on track. I also took Cooper back for his first needles a couple of weeks later, and I didn’t like having to hold him down while the doctor stuck the needle in, because it felt like he kept there for such a long time (about 5 seconds). Poor Cooper was asleep when the doctor came in with the serum, then he screamed after the needles (I don’t think I’ve seen him go so red before), but then was asleep again within a minute. Nice!

Towards the end of the month Cooper started to sleep consistently from his last night-time feed at 10.30pm until 7am when we start the day. Most times he’d cry at around 5.30am when he heard Adam get up, but he’d go back to sleep again.
Cooper - September 2008

Cooper is a very smiley and happy baby. He coos and makes noises at us a lot, and sticks his tongue out is response to people talking to him. He doesn’t cry very much and I am getting better at working by the different types of cry what the problem is. The first time I blew a ‘raspberry’ on his belly he cried, and the next time he peed on me (I was just about to give him a bath). Whenever we do something different it is awesome just watching his reaction, as he frowns in concentration, and doesn’t seem to know if he should laugh or cry until I smile at him first, after which he gives a huge grin.

I could easily spend all day just holding Cooper and talking to him, but then I'd get nothing done. I am loving watching the changes that we see in him daily and am making the most of it, because he's gonna be big before I know it.