Monday, 24 December 2007

2007 in review

Well, another year of challenges, sadness and joy has nearly gone, and I’d like to share some of the highlights with you.

I was fortunate enough to volunteer at the FINA World Swimming Championships in Melbourne in March and saw a number of famous swimmers as they prepared for their races. There is such a fun atmosphere amongst the volunteers at events like that, and if there is another big event like that in Victoria in the future, I will most likely volunteer for it!

We have celebrated two engagements this year, that of Adam’s sister Sarah, and my ‘cousin’ Amanda (we grew up across the road from Amanda’s family and they are practically our family now).

My family is well, and we celebrated the birth of another niece – my brother Jamie’s wife Beccy gave birth to Liana Caitlyn on 4 October, a little sister for Lachie, who is now four years old and will be starting school in 2008. My other nephew and niece, Jordon and Kiera (eleven and eight years old respectively) are growing up very fast, and I can hardly believe that Jordon starts secondary school in the New Year.

We celebrated the life of Adam’s dear Uncle Jeff, who sadly passed away in October. Adam’s father is having ongoing treatment for his cancer, and we continue to pray for his health.

Not having any formal study to keep me busy this year, my passion for pipe band drumming resurfaced after a two year break, and I joined the drum corps of the University of Ballarat Highland Pipe Band. One of the highlights was playing in the street march at the Daylesford Highland Gathering earlier this month, where our band won the event in our grade, and I got to march in my first ever massed band, an event where nearly all the bands march and play together. I have watched many a massed band since I was little, but to be part of the band was such an awesome experience.

Work continues to be challenging, and I have made the decision to look for a different job in 2008. I thoroughly enjoy the work that I do, but there are some things that I have tried unsuccessfully to change, and rather than continue to let it get me down I have made the decision to move on. Part of the reason is that my boss works in Sydney and I only get to see him face-to-face about once a month, which isn’t enough. I want to learn as much as I can, but am finding that hard without a mentor around to observe.

All-in-all there have been a number of things to celebrate in 2007, including significant birthdays and reunions, and I know that 2008 will also bring its fair share of joys and challenges.

I’d like to wish all of my friends and family a very special time as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, and I wish you all the best for a safe and happy New Year.

1 comment:

Trace said...

Hey Leah,

It was really nice to read your blog.
Thankyou for sending me the link.

I hope you had a great Christmas.

And wishing you all the blessings that you deserve in the New Year.
