Monday, 14 July 2008

To be or not to be a boy or a girl, that is the question.........

I am amazed that nearly every person I have spoken to about being pregnant has asked me whether Adam and I know what we are having. We know that we are having a baby, but we do not know whether it is a boy or girl.

We made the decision fairly early not to find out, although I gave Adam the option so that he could take more time to get used to it, but he said that if he found out that I would be able to tell what it is just by his reaction. Adam is hoping for a girl, so that when it gets old enough to go to public toilets and give the birds and bees talk, that I will have to do it! He seems to think that it is a boy though, seeing that most people in our direct families seem have a boy first.

A lot of people have opinions on what we are having, from doing tricks with wedding rings, to whether I am carrying in front or to to back or side, to whether my skin is oily or dry or whether I have gotten more hairy since falling pregnant. Some people are a bit frustrated that we haven't found out, or they think that we know and just don't want to tell them. They want to buy a gift for the baby before it is born, but don't know what colour to buy. I laugh when I see how frustrated they get, because we want it to be a surprise for everyone.

I've known people that have found out what they are having a long time before the baby is born, and give the baby a name and almost a 'personality' long before the baby makes its debut. I don't want to celebrate this child's life prematurely, and have made the decision not to have a baby shower so that that everyone can celebrate with us even more when we meet the baby for the first time. For now I am just enjoying being pregnant and feeling this life growing within me.

For those of you who are a little impatient, you don't have to wait long now. The baby is due to make its grand entrance in less than three weeks now.

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