Sunday, 22 June 2008

Six weeks and counting...

Wow, time sure goes quickly. I can hardly believe that there are only around six weeks to go until Adam and I become proud parents, and that so much time has passed since I last updated my blog!

I’ve been in my contract job for five months already, and am in the process of passing on all of my tasks to others in the team. I’ve been offered a role there when I am ready to return to work yet, but I’m not sure what I’ll be doing yet. The plan is for me to take off three or four months after the baby is born, but we still need to work out if I will go back part-time or full-time and all of the other finer details.

For those who I don’t get to see all the time, you are probably wondering how the pregnancy has been going. Well, I can honestly say that I have been blessed with a good pregnancy experience. I am really glad about, because if I'd had a really bad time of it I know there would be absolutely no chance at all of convincing that sweet husband of mine to go back for a second time (Hi Adam!) as it is Adam doesn’t like the idea of having more than one child.

What has made the pregnancy so good? Well, I have not had any weird or wonderful food cravings, and there is not really any food that makes me ill. I enjoy all the food that I have been eating and make sure I get a real variety. Basically, if it has been a while since I have had something I might say to Adam “I really feel like…..”, but given that I don’t repeatedly ask for the same food, I wouldn’t call that a craving. I’ve been eating a lot more, but mostly healthy snacks like fruit, nuts and cheese sticks. Aside from sore hips which has diminished since the doctor gave me tips on how best to position myself at night, I’ve been as active as ever, but I try not to run for the train now (Tracey – it’s not running that you see me do – it’s just walking fast!). I sleep well at night and have managed to avoid heartburn and reflux that hits some people. That’s not to say that I might not have some of that to deal with in the coming weeks.

The last time I went for a baby check-up the doctor didn’t know what to say to me. “You’re so healthy. Not that I want to wish you otherwise, but there’s not much more that I can tell you”. That was nice. Since then I have come down with a cold, which I’ve been fighting for more than a week. I admit that it’s been a real challenge not being able to relieve any of the symptoms with nasal decongestants or things to stop me coughing, but I am slowly getting better day-by-day.

I feel that Adam and I have gotten a lot closer during the past six months in particular, mainly due to the fact that we talk a lot more. We might see how parents are relating to their kids and then later on talk about what approach we felt did or didn’t work. Basically, we are learning heaps about each other’s values. The baby seems to hiccup a lot, and I’m sure Adam is getting annoyed with the number of times I grab his hand and whack it on my belly telling him that he has just “got to feel this…”. I think even he is surprised at how violently the baby moves at times.

My favourite time of day is at night when I have just hopped into bed and have rubbed moisturizer into my belly. The baby usually starts to kick a little more and I love poking it and prodding it and making it react to my touch. By the time I turn onto my side to sleep it seems to stretch out and kick me for a few more minutes before settling down again, but it doesn’t keep me awake. I think that I wake it when I turn over, but it usually goes back to sleep pretty quickly.

I only have eight work days left, and I am looking forward to having a break where I don’t have work constantly in the back of my mind, as I have done every other time that I’ve taken annual leave. By then, I’ll have only about four weeks to go, and will hopefully have more time to keep you updated on our progress.

Until next time.


Nell said...

Wow... six weeks... I can't believe how quickly your time has passed! How exciting! If I don't contact you before hand, I pray that these next few weeks are okay for you and that the actual birthing process goes well (as well as the pregnancy seems to have!).

God bless and I can't wait to hear about your new son or daughter!

Love Janelle

Trace said...

Oh wow! A new post!!!
And a special mention just for me! :)

That is a really nice photo that you posted.

I hope you do get to have a nice relaxing time before you become a Mum.

All the best,